Friday, 14 May 2010

The Feminist Fiance

Every once in a while during wedding planning the little feminist within me, OK let's be honest, the very large feminist, cringes and/or laughs at certain expected customs loaded with unfortunate symbolism (needless to say I shan't throw a bouquet---the fact that that statement rhymes makes it even more awesome.) Don't get me wrong, I love tradition and heritage and for that I am a very unique feminist (I'm also a liberal, feminist Catholic, figure that one out.) Yesterday while searching around for vintage wedding ephemera for design elements on bits and pieces of wedding-related things, I came across these old rating charts for husbands and wives. Such a discovery leans more towards the laughing than the cringing reaction and we had fun "rating" each other's potential worthiness as a spouse.

Kevin scored a 13, and if you click on the husband rating form to enlarge, you'll see such a low score results in failure. This is most likely due to the fact that he doesn't read aloud to me, or give me any allowance, and because he reads the paper at the table (but again, not aloud to me, shame on him.)

Sadly, I only received a 7, utter failure. This is due to many factors including wearing red nail polish (harlot!!), failing to darn socks regularly, and not dressing for breakfast (or making breakfast?) I would like to point out here that my score would have been a -3 if not for my church attendance, which brought in a staggering 10 points! (Way to go Catholicism!) It's also worth pointing out that the husband's rating form does not mention religion at all, or the ability to play a music instrument (also of vital importance to be a good wife.)

Rate yourself, rate each other, trust me it's a good time. Of course reflect on how far we've come, but don't forget to ponder how far there is yet to go. Visit to see just how much more there is to fight for (wow, more corny rhyming!)


  1. LOL! Where on earth did you find this?? I scored -5 which may explain the early demise of my marriage. In my defense (on rating my ex)he scored 3 which only proves the old adage, "It takes 2 to tango." Although, had we actually been able to tango it may have scored us each some more points!
    Auntie M

  2. I love this. I found the whole questionnaire which is 100 questions. That may change your scores a bit because I got a -10 on just the 12 questions but higher on the whole thing. Here is the link to the whole questionnaire so go see what you guys get on the whole thing.
